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Tag Archives: MTHFR

Alcoholism and MTHFR deficiency

Alcoholism and MTHFR Deficiency

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Alcoholism, like all other addictions,is deeply rooted in a compulsion for self-destructive behavior despite many resolutions never to indulge again.   Unfortunately many alcoholics,even those who are committed to a 12 step program,relapse.  Let’s look at how genetics can contribute to the physical and emotional distress which can make recovery more challenging, and what you can […]

MTHFR deficiency and pregnancy

MTHFR Deficiency and Pregnancy

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MTHFR deficiency is a common cause of many metabolic changes, one of which is that of elevated homocysteine.  Homocysteine is a by-product of methylation (reference this to our article on methylation) and is strongly associated with inflammation. It is unclear as to whether it is the direct cause or simply an indication of underlying dysfunction, […]

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety: which is which?

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MOST DOCTORS PRESCIBE SSRI’S FOR THE WRONG REASON. These days, it seems as though “depression” and “anxiety” are seldom teased apart. The issue there is, the more we group these two together, the less precise we become in our diagnoses of these fundamentally different conditions. This can have dire consequences in terms of treatment, medication, […]

Is it ADHD or Anxiety?

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Is your child suffering from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or is he suffering from anxiety? First let’s define ADHD. Typically a teacher or a parent notices that the child is misbehaving and not staying focused. Whether intentionally or not, the child cannot sit still, is easily distracted, gets sidetracked, and can be hyper excitable. […]