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Monthly Archives: August 2016

MTHFR deficiency and pregnancy

MTHFR Deficiency and Pregnancy

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MTHFR deficiency is a common cause of many metabolic changes, one of which is that of elevated homocysteine.  Homocysteine is a by-product of methylation (reference this to our article on methylation) and is strongly associated with inflammation. It is unclear as to whether it is the direct cause or simply an indication of underlying dysfunction, […]

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety: which is which?

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MOST DOCTORS PRESCIBE SSRI’S FOR THE WRONG REASON. These days, it seems as though “depression” and “anxiety” are seldom teased apart. The issue there is, the more we group these two together, the less precise we become in our diagnoses of these fundamentally different conditions. This can have dire consequences in terms of treatment, medication, […]

What’s keeping you up at Night

What’s keeping you up at Night? It’s not what you think…

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We’ve all been there: staring hopelessly into the glare of a menacing alarm clock, which soon will sound its screeching ring and mark the start of yet another day we have to somehow make it through, tired, cranky, and unproductive. Unfortunately, so many of us have accepted this alternative to a restful night’s sleep as […]